The Hoover Arts Alliance was established in March 2007 when residents Linda Chastain and Barbara Lyons approached Mayor Petelos with a plan to publicize all of the wonderful events, venues, and artists here in the City of Hoover. Mayors and City Councils have been supportive since the founding of the organization. All of the various art associations and groups in the greater community are represented on the Alliance Board of Directors.
What We Do

The Alliance provides scholarships every year to high school seniors who plan to major in one of the art disciplines at the college level. Over $3,000 each year has been provided since 2008.
The Alliance provides an art teacher and supplies to the Combat Veterans Center for art therapy classes for veterans suffering various combat related health issues including PTSD. This program has been recognized as a model for other such centers in the southeast.
The Alliance supports Hoover Public Schools with financial grants for equipment and projects that benefit students in their various art opportunities. These grants total more than $7,000 a year.

The Alliance manages the Art Gallery in the City Hall and brings in local artists to display their work for the public at no charge to the artist.
The Alliance provides awards for juried art shows in the City. They include The Bluff Park Art Show, Central Alabama Artists Guild Show, The League of American Pen Women Show, as well as several other local art events. The Alliance provides grants to the Fine Arts Department of the Hoover Library and to Aldridge Gardens.
Find Us on Facebook
The Alliance has a Facebook page for art event announcements. This is the “go to” place for art news.
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The Hoover Arts Alliance Board has representatives from the following organizations. Bluff Park Art Association, Alabama Chapter of the League of American Pen Women, the Alabama Symphony, The Birmingham Opera Guild, Hoover Library Fine Arts Department, Aldridge Gardens, Mayor’s liaison, Founder of Hoover Arts Alliance, Central Alabama Artists Guild, Hoover Historical Society, Birmingham Museum of Art, Riverchase Art Guild, and the Hoover Arts Council.

The work of the Alliance is done by dedicated volunteers and the Alliance has no paid staff. 90% of the Alliance funds go back to arts projects in the community. Membership is yearly and newsletters are distributed 3 to 4 times per year. There are no monthly meetings but members can volunteer for specific events or projects. The meetings of the board are bi-monthly on the fourth Wednesday of the month. Meetings are open to the public.