The Hoover Parks and Rec. Department and the Hoover Arts Council are collaborating for a project to bring art to our City parks. The preliminary plans include having whimsical animal sculptures located in surprising places in the many city parks around Hoover. The creatures would possibly be made of a composite weather resistant material. Kerry Leasure of the Arts Council is the artist taking the lead in bringing this concept to fruition. Erin Colbaugh, Parks and Rec. Director, is the lead city representative.
If you have an interest in participating in this collaboration and have an animal form in mind please provide a rendering for consideration with your other contact information.
You may also contact them if you have additional questions. Their email addresses are listed below. The Hoover Arts Alliance is only serving as a conduit for getting this information out to you. All questions as to process should be addressed to the principals Ms. Leasure and Ms. Colbaugh.
We hope you will be as excited about this project as we are. There are many ways to bring art to our city and this is certainly a fun one!
Hoover Arts Alliance
Kerry Leasure:
Erin Colbaugh: